Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the time has come

for me to open my etsy shop. through hours of crocheting and sewing projects, i've accumulated enough pieces to to take over a closet. to open up room for more projects, i must find homes for the older ones. i've posted just a few items so far, but there is much more to come...
check it out: tell your friends!

green crochet necklace with black beads and marbles

silver crochet necklace with vintage faux pearls and black marbles
blue satin clutch with gold beads
green chandelier crystal necklace

gray velveteen clutch with faux pearls and leather leaves


Anonymous said...

yay sarah!!! that is awesome. congrats.

Anonymous said...

ohhhh! congratulations!! I will check it out right now. Good luck!! I'll tell people, too :)