Tuesday, April 15, 2008

new purchases

in the past few weeks i've bought an array of new items. my pepto-pink sunglasses were grabbed off a shelf at forever 21, nestled amongst yellow and white versions. the brown lens with the pink frame was too good. the watch was picked up a few shelves over. the face looks like it has mini gears imprinted in it, and best of all theres no giant logo ruining the design.
the sandals are part of H&M's tribute to marimekko. they're very comfy, and have that gladiator thing going on...
saving the BEST for last: the elliot smith photo book, by one of my favorite photographers autumn de wilde. this was picked up at green apple books here in sf. de wilde's style of shooting is non-imposing, intimate, everything you'd want from someone observing a delicate artist like elliott smith. the shots are amazing, and commentary from the likes of chris walla and matthew caws fortify it with more goodness...

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