Monday, April 14, 2008

perusing etsy

lately i've been filling free time with crocheting necklaces. so this morning as i was looking into the possibility of selling items on etsy, i came across these inspiring peices:

earrings from ShopClementinethis necklace from smoobage which has already been snatched up by a friend...a ring from artisanimpact.another necklace from madmadcrafter. i love the color of the glass and chain, not tooo girly just right...another necklace from piggy, because i LOVE SEWING and would wear this as any proud seamstress would..


Hijiri said...

oh, the sewing machine one is so cute and perfect for you! Let me know when you open your etsy store!! I love your necklace you make!

turlie said...

OMG you should totally sell on etsy - I love that site!!!! I've bought so much stuff of their.

Anonymous said...

Yay, thank you for posting my feathers :). I will have more soon.