Monday, November 3, 2008

stormy weather musings

it is raining hard, and its times like these i like to curl up with a good movie (last night it was suddenly last summer with the exquisite elizabeth taylor and katherine hepburn). i also take time to tidy my apartment, re-decorate, and work on crafty projects. on that note, my cousin sent me this article about brigid berlin on the new york social diary, who was andy warhol's best friend for decades, and has a penchant for needlework and pugs. shes quite eccentric, and surprisingly conservative, considering. AND her apartment is amazing! it made me want to swipe all my doors with bright red paint, and coat my floors with colorful print rugs. and get down with some kitch...
brigid with andy; brigid nowsnuff box collectionshe designed and needlpoint-ed the rose rug herselfchildhood portrait with sister Richie on the right


Tianna said...

i wonder if she likes pugs

Anonymous said...

Brigid did not design the floral rug. Woolworks Needlepoint did. In fact, we designed just about all her needlepoint for over 15 years. We also designed the pieces in her current show. She is an outrageous liar.
Andrea Fonyo
1045 Lexington Ave.

sarah said...

maybe she was mis-quoted in the new york social diary article...