from the worst witch's handsome vampire, to the fang baring pennywise the clown in IT tim has covered his share of spooky film ground. i hope hes up to something wickedly fun today, because to think of him as merely the concierge in home alone 2 bums me out. heres to you, tim...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
brisk city
autumn has taken hold, which means chilly overcast mornings, complete with fog horns. this morning i layered upon layers. leggings, tank, dress, cardigan, long sweater over that, knitted scarf. i love cold weather! which is funny, because the dress i chose is a cobalt party dress i made for my birthday back in july. it serves as a perfect jumper. its design came from one i saw on none other than kate moss. i think its a mcQueen....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
crochet crochet
it really is time to start considering the holidays. there is a recession after all, and i'm thinking for christmas i may just make my gifts. i also may just make gifts for other people to give as well. lately i've been crocheting up a storm, and have had requests for some necklaces. time to update my etsy store...
the crystals are vintage chandelier pieces, which i crocheted gold colored wire around and attached to silk thread. i am thinking i will speckle a few of these vintage star rhinestones along the top of each...
a delicate double-wrap silk chain with silver beads woven in
the feathers were an experiment, and i'm liking how they hang with the chandelier crystals, though a friend suggested i try making a necklace of just feathers...

dear friend
megan always has something interesting on. she is a graphic designer, with an eye for all things pretty: chocolate bar wrappers, book covers, vintage fabric. we go to to trader joe's and analyze their packaging design. when it comes to clothes, she mixes colors, textures, and patterns that i would have never thought of. and shes ballsy. today she wore an H&M skirt and based the rest of the outfit on its color pallette. i love the long skirt with boots look, which can be frumpy if not done right, but she pulls it off without a hitch. and the best part is she's planning on making pillows out of the skirt once shes tired of wearing it.

Monday, October 27, 2008
My lil Muse

If I could get a whole new wardrobe, I think I would like it to look like this. Found this German brand off of picked pics' blog. Love the layering.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
road trip in autumn
saturday was spent on a mini road trip to occidental/sebastopol area. the goal was to enjoy the scenery, take some snapshots, and burrow through some amazing vintage clothes. all three were accomplished, with two of the loveliest people i could go with, megan & anna.... there is so much to write about this may end up being a manifesto of sorts. i also wanted to, but couldn't cram all of my photos on here, hence my flickr link...
one of the shops, renga, had lots of little handmade items, mostly found objects reworked into magnificent new pieces,like these postcards made from old record albums
records were reborn as sun flowers and bowls, jewelry was made form old watch chains, buttons and charms. anna tried on this gorgeous rhinestone bracelet, not sure what its former life was...
cupcake pin cushions
normally i'm a jewelry girl, but my favorite were these birdhouses...
our first stop was in occidental, about an hour and a half north of san francisco. we took an early lunch at howard's cafe which was charming, the food very tasty. i had fresh fruit with yogurt, granola, and raisins. after, we strolled through the neighborhood, stopping in shops and taking photos. there was a garage sale in a place called the altamont, which took us a while to find (it was an old bar & grill) but was well worth it. anna found a cool vintage levi's shirt for her husband, megan found some carved wooden frames, and i found some snowflake garland for christmas.

we hopped in the car and drove through green fields and forests dotted with red foliage until we arrived at aubergine vintage emporium & cafe in sebasopol. this vintage clothing mecca was not only ginormous, it also had a bar/cafe area complete with stage and coin-operated pony. 
any game plan (xmas gifts?) i had was thrown to the wind, scouring rack upon rack for things i could justify buying. we all seemed interested in dresses, and must have tried on 10 a piece. i left with one dress (pat one the back Me, for showing a little self control), a blouse, a shirt for paul, and a bob dylan album.
megan modeling a gunne sax dress; debating purchases 
megan is wild about this dress. i think the tag is pretty neat too.
hundreds of vintage purses; a rainbow of belts; anna finding bob
the mens section was a fifth of the womens ;)
paul's shirt fit, and more importantly he liked it! it reminded me of a vision street wear pattern

the dressing rooms were amazing: wild rod iron and dyed lace sculpture with a skylight right above

paul's shirt fit, and more importantly he liked it! it reminded me of a vision street wear pattern

Friday, October 24, 2008
urban outfitters
the store has been around since the 90s (eek!) i remember going there in the 7th grade, still trapped in the catholic school uniform regime, and feeling like i had been living under a rock. i immediately loved it. since then, its become a reliable source when i need something fun (i also rely on the site for haircut inspiration). they are so reliable, in fact, that an outfit can be made in a few minutes (online anway). this is what i came up with in 15 minutes.
dolce vita adriana dress $198. boat necks are really appealing lately, they are feminine and classy, and i love the colors. i dont know why the model is making an angelina jolie face.
friday morning stroll
halloween is nearing! though the stores have had their decorations up since september, i wanted to post something about them. so this morning i passed a few of my favorites on polk st., camera at the ready...
swallowtail has some of the most amazing art and furniture pieces, all a bit quirky to say the least. i'm not sure if their current display is honoring the season but needless to say its pretty cool: a bone chandelier complete with a spinal column chain, and one of their taxidermies of a mongoose fighting a cobra....
the window display at molte cose & bella cose is always beautiful...
kiss met is full of hand-made goodies, like jewelry, decorations, cards, knick knacks, and these little guys...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
allegedly, i am named after sarah bernhardt (october 22, 1844 – march 26, 1923), “the most famous actress in the history of the world.” she appeared in plays, operas- for whom a few were specifically written, and some of the first silent films...
her background is questionable (born in paris, father unknown; born in iowa, ran away to paris?) however, she lived a fascinating life: secret affairs, a morphine-addled marriage, an acting injury that ended with the amputation of her right leg (P.T. Barnum reportedly offered her $10,000 to put the limb on display, to which she refused). she was a fixture of the french art nouveau scene, with artist friends (like gustave doré and georges clarin, writer victor hugo) and she always looked glamorous, on and off the stage: frilly lace, velvet, feathers, bows, jewels...
bernhardt's portrait by georges rochegrosse
my favorite outfit, she looks wicked...
portrait by alphonse mucha

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